Robert Ojeda Metalsmith Inc.

If your project is made of metal then you came to the right place!
We do it all, from custom fabrication to restoration and repair!

water jet cutting
Precision cutting of any material and nearly any thickness.
Shown above is stainless steel, aluminum, brass, glass and rubber.

Intricate repairs made
Almost anything made of metal can be repaired, antiques, silver serving items, lawn furniture and the list goes on. Just give us a call!

Custom kitchens
We can build stainless steel sinks to fit your needs, welded into counter tops or for use as undermounts. We also build range hoods and cabinet trim. You're not limited to stainless steel, all this can also be done with copper, brass, bronze and zinc.

Custom staircases, railings and gates.
We can build complete staircases or just handrails for existing stairs.
We also build gates and fences.
Ever since I was a kid, I loved building or fixing things and it's made me who I am today. Confident, skilled and determined.
This company was built out of my desire for greatness, for myself, my employees and the great products we produce!
Always learning, always striving to be better.
-Rob Ojeda
Copyright 2016 Robert Ojeda, All rights reserved. This material may not be published, copied, or redistributed.
For any inquiries and questions please fill out the following form
Head Office
Mailing address:
8140 Belvedere Road, Unit #5
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
PH: 561-507-5511